The economic research team at ComexPerú constantly analyzes Peru´s economic development and those of its trading partners, and the status of the reforms and process that Perú needs to follow in order to attain its development. In this task, it prepares monthly bulletins on the economic performance of the country for our members, and bimonthly magazine that addresses one topic of primary interest for the companies related to foreign trade and trade in services.
In line with the principles of ComexPerú -promoting foreign trade, free markets and private investment as tools for development-, and when it is needed institutionally, this team carries out analysis and specific solution proposals for regulation cases, as well as an evaluation of the rules applied to one or more sectors of the Peruvian economy.
In this field, ComexPerú has managed cases on regulation and practices of the Peruvian administration regarding foreign trade and the goods traded, international trade negotiations, food industry, pharmaceutical products, agriculture inputs, logistics and transportation, goods linked to construction, and several fields of technology.
Our economic research team regularly works with diplomatic representations, multilateral organizations, regional governments, organizations and corporations in Perú and other countries with which it has trade or investment relations. In this works, our team offers analysis, opinions and strategies for decision making to these entities. Given its editorial and interdisciplinary work, and if it is required, the team adds to its work, the participation of professionals specialized in different sciences.

As part of its job, this team offers the members of ComexPerú, and clients under particular contracts, a permanent monitoring of the legal and regulatory activity in all entities of the Peruvian Government. It subsequently offers its members and associates interested in following the regulation agenda, updates on legislation initiatives and debates concerning the regulation specifically influential on their industries and activities. In line with its principles, ComexPerú gives its associates advisory in the relation with all entities of the Peruvian Government. These services include the follow up and evaluation of the regulatory practice of the public entities overseeing each of the specific regulation areas with which the associate may need to carry out procedures or steps.
In this area, our team can work on studies on competitiveness, and public policy proposals that address structural problems for the country´s competitiveness, and also make the operation in different industries and areas of trade become more effective.
In the same field, and jointly with our corporate consulting team, this team carries out analysis of cases on the application of trade agreements and free trade agreements, free competition, dumping, subsidies and safeguards. It also develops and executes strategies for the governmental managing and public positioning of public policy initiatives.